Harbortouch POS video

We were your classic business owners that tried to rely on a $99 cash register to run our business. We have a coffee shop in a small college town in Ohio, and found as we grew that buying a register every other year was getting old. We always dreamed about the cool POS systems but knew we didn’t have the funds… until quite by “accident” one of the Harbortouch reps visited our shop. It was perfect timing and we were ready to listen. The rest is history! Our rep walked us step by step through the paperwork (and answered the millions of questions we had!). She delivered again when the system arrived and spent several weeks working with our staff to learn the system. Harbortouch entered our menu into the system initially and we worked with them as far as details, choices, sizes, etc. When we started to practice on the system, we learned how to add new items and make changes to our menu. Tech support is always available to fix things or to walk us through a question. They have ALWAYS been kind and encouraging and helpful and ALWAYS knew how to answer my problem, 24/7! The payments are small, the support is amazing, it supports re-loadable gift cards (also offered by Harbortouch), and it gets updated often. Yes, you can afford one and yes you will love it! We have had ours for almost one year and are very thankful.

Harbortouch POS manual

Harbortouch API

Harbortouch Dinerware

Harbortouch Apple pay

Harbortouch POS Yelp

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