Aloha POS virtual

Intense IT is now offering virtual helpdesk service for Aloha based restaurants and retail shops. We employee only American citizens to make your experience a pleasurable one. We offer level 1 & 2 Aloha Support on the days and times that you need assistance. As long as your location has high speed internet, we will be able to support you remotely.

What Can IIT Support?

  • Terminals
  • Printers
  • Cash Drawers
  • Scales
  • Kitchen Video
  • Comps/Promos
  • Item Routing
  • Aloha Manager (Table Service & Quick Service)
  • Aloha Configuration Center
  • Aloha EDC
  • Manager Workstations

Do you have a special need that’s not in the list above? No problem. We are more than happy to support proprietary systems. Simply provide us with some training documentation and your most common support scenarios for those devices or applications and we will be more than happy to support your proprietary systems.

How Would Our Locations Contact IIT for Support?

We have three different methods that your locations could use to get support for their aloha installation or manager’s workstation:

Discounted Rates Available for Multiple Restaurants

IIT offers discounted rates for companies who enter into support contracts with IIT. If you have multiple restaurants that require support, give us a call to inquire about a discount for your support needs. Simply get in contact with us to discuss your needs and we can build a contract that won’t break the bank and will leave you with some spare time to play golf! If you prefer, you can use the form below to get the ball rolling!

Vend POS portal

Aloha POS Reviews

Aloha POS Features

Aloha POS video

EFTPOS via iPad

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