Vend POS portal

How do I make my Portal Advantage payments?

All Portal Advantage payments will be deducted from your banking account on file via Automatic Clearing House (ACH).

When will the payment be deducted from my account?

The monthly payment occurs on the day the equipment is shipped to you. This is also known as the “anniversary day”. It will be the same day each month.

Why is the ACH amount different from the initial amount written on my Portal Advantage agreement?

The Portal Advantage Payment is your monthly payment amount plus sales/use tax. If you have not yet provided insurance document covering the equipment, the monthly payment could also include an Insurance Non-Compliance fee.

Why is there a charge for sales tax?

You are responsible for any applicable tax on the Portal Advantage payment or tax that is levied on the equipment. The sales/use tax will be assessed on Portal Advantage payments based on the current state, county and/or local tax rates in the jurisdiction where the equipment is located. It will be added to the basic monthly payment and debited from your bank account on a monthly basis.

What is the Insurance Non-Compliance?

In order to protect your business and POS Portal from loss and/or damage of equipment, you will be asked to provide POS Portal with a certificate of business insurance naming POS Portal as loss payee.

If you do not provide a certificate of insurance to POS Portal, an Insurance Non-Compliance fee will be charged until the certificate is provided to POS Portal. Details describing this fee may also be found in the Portal Advantage agreement.

I changed my bank account. What do I do?

Please contact our Portal Advantage department at . We will send you a form to authorize the change in bank account information on file.

If the equipment breaks, who do I contact?

Please contact our Support Specialists at and request a Returns Management Authorization (RMA).
We will then process the request and a replacement unit will be received the next business day with instruction to return back the broken device.*

*Subject to the terms and conditions of your contract

After my Portal Advantage term where do I return the equipment?

Please contact our Support Specialists at to discuss your different options..

Can I cancel my Portal Advantage Plan?

After the initial 30 days, the Portal Advantage Plan is non-cancellable.

Is a lower monthly payment available if I commit to a longer 24 month term agreement?

At this time we are currently only offering a 24 month Portal Advantage Plan..

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