Aloha POS batch full

If you are looking for a way to remotely monitor your Aloha EDC credit card settlements, then you have found the only way to do it in the Enterprise. When you have more than 20 restaurants using the Aloha POS software, you need a way to ensure your credit card batch settles without dialing in to every single store.The Settlement Verifier for Enterprises, handles this task for you and sums up all of the data in an easy-to-read report that can be sent out daily after end of day has completed. The report can be sent to one or more e-mail addresses. Take a look at the simplified interface:Don’t risk losing thousands of dollars because you didn’t know you had an EDC issue. Take the proactive approach and save thousands of dollars.
  • Ensure all remote locations settled their batches
  • Consistent and concise reporting
  • Quickly analyze and resolve NCR Radiant Aloha EDC Settlement issues
  • Automated daily report
  • Proactive approach to a serious problem
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