Aloha POS Austin Texas


5508 W Hwy 290
Ste 104
Austin, TX 78735
(512) 833-9840

If you're looking for a reliable and helpful partner on your business, look no further. POS Solutions will be there for you no matter if you're just starting your restaurant career or if you are a season veteran. This is the heart of our business.

This firm has been our POS (Point Of Sale) software and service provider since 2000. There are not a lot of choices when you are using Aloha POS in Austin. The Aloha software is great. It is the best I have seen and used for restaurant service software. The service and support we get from this firm varies, and they have some issues to address. - There is no way to open a trouble ticket electronically, via email or the web. Really. This is a software support firm after all, in 2011. - When a trouble ticket IS opened, via a phone call, the communication of the problem is lacking, as you might imagine when someone who is nice, but not at all technical, needs to take down all the info manually, pass it along to a tech, who then has to call back to see what the problem actually is. - Callback and followup is spotty at best. It is not unusual to have a day or two go by without a call back. - Service times are extremely slow. - Hardware prices are extremely high, and any attempt to save money through the purchase of used equipment (from Ebay or the dozens of restaurants which go out of business monthly) is discouraged. - Competent techs (when you finally get through, and they finally come on site or connect remotely) take some of the sting out of dealing with the firm. POS Solutions is the best source of support for Aloha in Austin, but they could step it up some.

I've been in restaurant IT for almost 20 years now working in both Micros and Aloha shops, so I've had the pleasure of dealing with a lot of POS vendors. POS Solutions are one of the better examples of the breed. They work hard, they're responsive, they're willing to communicate, and they're willing to work through odd scenarios involving other vendors if the situation calls for it.

I signed up with POS Solutions about 2 months ago. I have had a wonderful experience, from the sales team to the service. Any time I have had any issues the turn around time is almost immediate. The technicians are extremely knowledgeable and friendly. I love that they offer free training classes to try and teach me instead of throwing me to the wolfs I would recommend them to anyone!

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