Verifone VX570 Mac address
We've been running wired 802.1x machine authentication for awhile now and recently began deploying 4500R+E chassis with Sup8-E. During this rollout I've noticed a strange problem where devices that are connected to ports that do not have the NAC configuration are unable to connect to the network because the switch will not learn the MAC address of the device. The port configuration in this scenario is like so:
interface GigabitEthernet1/3
switchport access vlan xx
switchport mode access
switchport voice vlan xx
spanning-tree portfast
spanning-tree bpduguard enable
The port shows connected but when you look at the mac-address table for that interface it will show the following:
XXXXSW001#sh mac address-table interface g1/3
Multicast Entries
vlan mac address type ports
xx ffff.ffff.ffff system
Ports with the standard 802.1x configuration have no problems connecting to the network and the switch learns the devices mac-address. The only way that I've found to get devices on non-NAC ports onto the network is to apply the following to the interface and then remove to force the switch to learn the mac-address:
switchport port-security