Harbortouch Credit card processing rates

By: Giovany Crisci | 1 / 5 | 9 months agoThey are expensive I got a pos from them and it is costing me a lot I am considering canceling the service

By: hasan kuruca | 1 / 5 | 2 years ago

I had a contract with MSI for 3 years and it is 4 years now Harbor touch bought MSI and
i canceled and charged me 250$ early termination fee even know I have no contract with
them. I'm going to report this to BBB. STAY AWAY from this company

By: Richard Anway1 | 1 / 5 | 2 years ago

I have been in business for over 19 years taking credit card payments. Harbortouch is the biggest rip off company there is. They promise you that they will not charge you a $79 annual fee and all their other bogas charges yet they do. And they just lock you down for another 2 years with a $840 termination fee. Stay away. They are like poison and they are happy to screw you over.

By: Daryl Burton | 1 / 5 | 2 years ago

I am like everyone else. This company has more fees than I have ever seen, it will take a lawyer to figure out all the fees. And I to have tried to cancel and they want there $250 for early termination. I just let the thing sit here and do nothing so now they charge me $41 a month for a minimum fee. I would recommend staying away from this company. If you read these review and sign a contract with these people. let me HAHAHAHA now.

By: Bob Kings | 1 / 5 | 2 years ago

I signed with a company called MSI about 15 years ago and they have slowly been raising my rates ever since. In April 2014 they sold out to this company called Harbortouch and I now find that I am paying over 3.25% when I wrongly assumed I was paying about 2.25%. I changed companies and have just been told by MaryAnn at Harbortouch they they will charge me a $250 "early termination fee". Early termination fee after 15 years - absolute scam artists - avoid them like the plague. If I could give them a zero rating, I would.

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