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Chicago to become first city with universal taxi app service that requires all licensed taxi drivers to participate while on duty

Mayor's Press Office 312.744.3334

Mayor Rahm Emanuel and the Chicago Department of Business Affairs and Consumer Protection (BACP) today announced that Arro and Verifone have won the competitive bidding process to provide universal taxi app service in Chicago. The companies’ apps will make it easier for Chicago residents and visitors to hail a taxi and increase consumer choice in safe, reliable transportation options.

“Chicago is a city that innovates and in this spirit I am proud to announce that Chicago will become the first city with a universal taxi app, ” said Mayor Rahm Emanuel. “With the new service, Chicago residents can expect to see improved rider experience and better access to taxis all across the city.”

“These apps will create even more transportation options for Chicago residents while benefiting taxi drivers, ” said Maria Guerra Lapacek, Commissioner of BACP. “By mandating that taxi drivers participate, Chicago residents will have additional transportation options and will more easily connect with a nearby taxi through the use of their smartphones, resulting in more fares for taxi drivers.”

The two universal taxi app providers, Arro and Verifone, were selected through a competitive bidding process launched in May 2015. The selected companies demonstrated their ability to provide an app that will include key features such as a secure payment option, estimated wait time, and fare quote estimate.

"We are thrilled to have been chosen by the great City of Chicago as an official taxi e-hailing and payment app, ” said Mike Epley, Founder of Arro. “Arro, which will provide passengers with access to the largest network of taxicabs in Chicago, is fast becoming the people's and driver's choice throughout the country, offering safe, secure quick and reliable service with an honest metered rate.”

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