VeriFone Payware Mobile iPhone

VeriFone PAYware Mobile Enterprise iPhone Card ReaderMost of the mobile credit card readers in our comparison of the best iPhone card readers are designed for small businesses and personal sellers. The PAYware Mobile Enterprise is decidedly different in that it directly targets larger businesses.

While the features and hardware of PAYware Mobile Enterprise may be overkill for small startups, the mobile credit card processing option is one of the only truly comprehensive mobile POS (point of sale) solutions available. PAYware Mobile Enterprise is not something you can purchase off the shelf. It is sold to established retailers with existing point-of-sale systems and existing payment account relationships. Verifone sells the hardware, integration and encryption services to retailers who meet these guidelines.

More than just plugging a magstripe card reader into your iPhone, the PAYware Mobile Enterprise also includes a PIN pad, contactless NFC reader, smart card reader and barcode scanner. The PAYware Mobile Enterprise card encryption reader lets you accept more forms of payment than any other iPhone card reader. Now you can accept any card type at any time in any place.

Physical Features
The real unique selling point of the PAYware Mobile Enterprise card reader is that it includes much more than a magnetic stripe reader. The all-in-one mobile POS hardware is complete with PIN pad, smart card reader, NFC reader and barcode scanner. Once you connect your iPhone to the credit card reader case, you can use the device to accept all forms of electronic payment.

The magnetic card reader is located on the right side of the device and is perfect for traditional credit card swiping. A smart card reader is located at the top of the case, just below the barcode scanner. On the back of the iPhone case is a physical PIN pad and LCD display. The NFC chip reader is also on the back.

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