Verifone address Bangalore

You should definitely join this company if
1. You don't want to have a life outside of work: The company will make you come into office as early as 8 AM for daily standup meetings (which would be mandated by the CEO but never attended by him ) but would require you to stay really late. If you can leave by 7-8PM consider yourself very lucky. However once you reach home, your troubles are far from over as you would need to take calls from the offshore team which can run as late as 1 in the morning. That said, don't expect your weekends to be free as well. The company expects you to take certifications which have no relevance with the work you do and you would be expected to study for them on your weekends.
2. You love getting yelled at: Sent an email with a small grammatical mistake in a page long email? Well you are in luck since the CEO will take it upon himself to publically humiliate in front of the whole company in pointing out the grammatical mistake and also yell at you in public. The ironic thing would be the response from the CEO would itself contain close to 10-12 grammatical mistakes in the first line but off-course no one will point that out
3. You enjoy having the senior management and administrative staff hit on you: If you are an attractive girl who has just recently joined the workforce, you can be sure that you would have at least someone from the administrative or infrastructure staff sitting with you and hitting on you all day long while breathing heavily and really creepily . You could also be really lucky and often be hit on by the senior management who think they are beyond all reproach.
4. If you love being told how your education was a waste : The CEO loves intimidating his employees and will happily tell you that your education was a waste and since you did not do an MBA like him, you will never grow to be successful. However, do not despair since he will give you a copy of his free book which will tell you everything you wanted to know about being a narcissistic tyrant.
5. You enjoy waking up to the knowledge that at the end of the day you might be without a job : While Washington is at will hire state, nowhere have I felt more insecure as this company where people were laid off or fired for no reason at all. Late for a meeting by a minute or two, you might be fired, accidently disagreed with the CEO, expect your marching orders by the end of the day, gave feedback on a project which did not resonate with the CEO and his equally sadistic wife, well say goodbye to your last week in the company. The number of people who get fired on a regular basis is staggering. Even if you need to take some time off for bereavement, don’t expect to have your job safe when you come back since the CEO and his...

8. You love spending your friday evenings listening to the CEO snore : No, I am not kidding about this. The CEO makes it mandatory for the entire Redmond team to attend learning sessions conducted on Friday evenings but would openly come in and snore in the meetings. While meetings are often poorly conducted with someone randomly rambling about his project (because he was asked to), its even more distracting to have the CEO sit and snore through it while you are wishing you can get away after a 80 hour work week.

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