Verifone MX850 issues

Source: VeriFone Systems, Inc. VeriFone’s MX 915 delivers a rich media experience with a brilliant, 4.3" color display, powerful processor and generous memory. This elegantly designed, sleek and space-saving unit is NFC enabled and supports full motion video – driving new revenue opportunities while enhancing customer interaction.SOPHISTICATED, FLEXIBLE, SECURE
  • High-speed graphics processor and generous memory bring customer messaging and video advertising campaigns to life
  • Crystal clear, 4.3" flush mount display
  • Clean lines and modern, sleek design make a powerful statement – in the lane or on a countertop
  • State-of-the-art stylus for a clean and sleek look
  • Chemically-hardened screen, built for the long haul
  • Linux-based OS and application development environment offer maximum flexibility
  • NFC/Contactless support to quickly capture new markets as they evolve
  • Large screen area efficiently accommodates optional signature capture along with scrolling account activity, branding and promotional offers

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