Verifone error Code 513

"This device is disabled. (Code 22)"

Details on Device Manager error codes like Code 22 are available in the Device Status area in the device's properties: How To View a Device's Status in Device Manager.

Important: Device Manager error codes are exclusive to Device Manager.

Cause of the Code 22 Error

In most cases, a Code 22 error means that the device was manually disabled in Device Manager but you may also see a Code 22 error if Windows is forced to disable the device due to a lack of system resources.

Don't Want to Fix This Yourself?

If you want to fix this Code 22 problem yourself, continue with the troubleshooting in the next section.

Otherwise, see How Do I Get My Computer Fixed? for a full list of your support options, plus help with everything along the way like figuring out repair costs, getting your files off, choosing a repair service, and a whole lot more.

How to Fix a Code 22 Error

  1. Enable the device. Since the most common reason you'll see a Code 22 error in Device Manager is because the device has been manually disabled, try manually enabling it.

    Most of the time this will fix a Code 22 issue. Don't worry if it doesn't, however. All that means is that the Code 22 you're seeing was caused by something a bit less common.

  1. Restart your computer if you haven't already.

    There's always the chance that the error Code 22 you're seeing on a device was caused by a temporary problem with the hardware. If so, a restart of your computer might be all you need to fix the Code 22 error.

  2. Did you install a device or make a change in Device Manager just before the Code 22 error appeared? If so, it's highly likely that the change you made caused the Code 22 error.

    Undo the change if you can, restart your PC, and then check again for the Code 22 error.

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