Verifone 670 reset

Verifone VX 680 Wireless TerminalThe Verifone VX 680 is one of the world’s smallest, full-functioning, portable payment devices - designed specifically for businesses on the move. The large 3.5” colour touch screen provides an exceptional customer experience.Ultra-fast processing and huge amounts of memory support multiple loyalty programs, gift cards and other applications. All this coupled with powerful VeriShield security and encased in a sleek, hand-held form factor.The VX 680 is NFC ready and will be able to provide the latest Tap and Go technology. Ideal for hospitality environments, the VX 680 has built-in spill resistance and backlit keys for readability in any environment, and gives you the flexibility to take payment at the customer’s table.Features
  • EOV functionality to ensure you can continue to transact in the case of a loss of connectivity or network

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