Revel POS gift cards


Revel Systems currently provides its own proprietary solution for Gift Cards. Revel Systems has also partnered up with other vendors that provide their own Gift Card solutions that are directly integrated into the POS.

  • Givex
  • LevelUp
  • LoyalTree
  • Mercury Gift Cards
  • Paytronix
  • Shell Rewards Cards
  • Stanford Cards
  • Synergy Gift Cards
  • Valutec
  • Verifone Point

For businesses with multiple establishments, please note that Revel Systems' Gift Cards do not handle royalties. In other words, the establishment in where a gift card is purchased receives the full amount of the gift card, even if the gift card is redeemed at a separate location. For this reason, Revel provides a Gift Transactions report that shows the variance between establishments and allows merchants to keep track of a "central bank" and manually calculate royalties for individual locations.

Online order gift card payment only accepts Revel gift cards. Third Party Gift Cards don't work with Online Ordering.

Purchasing Revel Gift Cards

Revel Gift Card functionality may be purchased. Please contact your sales representative if you would like to purchase gift card functionality. Note, if you select one of our integrated vendors (e.g. Valutec, Mercury), the vendor will charge their own fees at their discretion for the functionality.

To purchase and design the physical gift cards, after purchasing Gift Card functionality, please contact our partner at Plastic Printers. Their contact information is listed below:

Kelsie Short | Account Manager

1.800.808.7472 Main

1.651.319.4752 Direct

Gift Card Product Setup

Create a Gift Card product in the backend. To do so, log into the backend. Under the Products tab, select the Category and Sub-Category where you would like the Gift Card to appear on the POS. On that screen, enter the name of the Gift Card product (usually “Gift” or “Gift Card”), and input the price that you would like to load the gift card for. If you would like the POS to prompt for a customizable price when selecting the gift card, please leave the field at $0.00. Then click the save button in the top right corner of the page.

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