VeriFone 670 battery

Verifone Vx 670 GPRS 6MbVx 670 is a radical revolution at hand! With PCI PED approval, this is the smallest all-in-one handheld payment device that is specifically for wireless, customer-facing payment. Verifone's patent-pending MAXui design provides the largest user interface for an all-in-one payment system with a large, white backlit display and large blue backlit keys.

Brand: Verifone Model: Vx 670 Part Number: M267-032-11-USA Processor:

32-bit ARM9 microprocessor

Memory: 6MB (4MB Flash/ 2MB RAM) Modem: None Ethernet Port:

Supports Local Area Wireless

Wi-Fi 802.11g; WPA encryption 2.4 Ghz

EMV Smart Card Reader: EMV level 1 & 2 type approved NFC Contactless Reader: None Printer: Thermal clamshell Display: EMV level 1 & 2 type approved Internal PIN Pad: PCI PED approved Additional Ports: RS-232, External PIN Pad, USB

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