Download Verifone VX670 software

We can easily reprogram just about any POS system. Our integration team successfully reprograms hundreds of merchant POS systems every month, from single cash registers to multiple workstations. We work directly with your POS provider to ingrate your system and most POS systems require simple updates that are done remotely. If an onsite reprogram is necessary, we make sure that it is done outside of regular business hours or at your convenience to ensure that you have no downtime whatsoever.

Some of the industry leaders we work with are:

  • Micros
  • Aloha
  • Activant
  • Positouch
  • Microsoft RMS
  • Restaurant MGR.
  • Squirrel
  • Aldelo
  • Gilbarco
  • IC Verify
  • PC Charge
  • Shift 4
  • Digital Dining
  • Maitre D
  • USA E Pay
  • Skipjack
  • VeriFone Ruby

How It Works: Reprogramming POS Systems

We do all the work! After your new account has been activated, you will receive a call from one of our dedicated POS experts. From there we coordinate directly with your POS rep and provide them with the new parameters needed to communicate with your new processor. POS updates are usually done remotely and during off hours.

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