Square POS system hardware

Square Register on an iPad is compatible with a wide variety of third-party hardware accessories. Below, you’ll find a list of supported accessories, where to purchase them, and information on getting set up.

Receipt Printers with Ethernet Interface

Ethernet receipt printers can be used to print customer receipts, order tickets, and order ticket stubs. Ethernet-interface printers are best for stationary use, and aren’t designed to be mobile.The Ethernet printers compatible with Square Register are thermal printers. They require heat-sensitive paper and won’t work with non-thermal receipt paper. These types of printers aren’t ideal for kitchens or high-temperature working areas.

Bluetooth Receipt Printers

Bluetooth printers are mobile, and well-suited for businesses that don’t require fast or frequent printing.

Impact Kitchen Printer with Ethernet Interface

Impact printers only print order tickets for a kitchen. They’re not affected by heat and can withstand warm environments. They require heat-sensitive paper and won’t work with non-thermal, receipt printer paper.

Bar Code and Label Printer

To create your own bar codes and labels, you’ll need to use a third-party application. At the moment, we don’t officially support bar code and label printers and can’t guarantee compatibility, but many customers have success using the DYMO Label Writer 450 with Square.

Cash Drawers

A cash drawer must be connected to a receipt printer to open automatically. Otherwise, you’ll need to manually open the drawer using the cash drawer key.

Oracle MICROS POS hardware

Square POS VS Shopify

Square POS package

Square POS gift cards

Square POS system Amazon

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