Square POS VS Shopify

I was really excited to see the pos. I didnt even look at the fees, well because they werent advertised, so I assumed that it was a really cool feature included in my really expensive service called shopify. Especially with all the addon apps that you need. I really thought that wow how awesome they are taking on square with their pos. But shopify isnt interested in taking square customers free vs 600$ a year to start. and the only benefit that you get is your website items are on the pos.

Am I the only one who thinks that 50$ a month is rediculus?. Shopify is making money on the credit card transactions, the website hosting, and transaction fees. As opposed to square, who only collects fees from the credit card fees and no transaction fees.

There needs to be an option without .30 fees. For a few website orders a day no problem. For 200 pos sales a day not affordable. So now, I use my square, which I have to manually input items, for my sales and only use the shopify pos for items not in stock that I have to ship. or orders that are called in via telephone. But 50$ amonth isnt affordable for a dozen orders a month.

But this isnt the only problem that I have.

1. If I use this, then all of my simple cash transactions are commingled with my website orders.

2. What I really need this for is backend order entry, for shipping. there is no shipping option, and when you look up the order in dashboard it tells me that its not fulfilled, ok but it assumes that shipping isnt required.

I really dont think that shopify thought this through. All that they saw was that other pos systems charge money, but what they dont realize is that they dont make any other money other that their pos system. and they have very small cleint base.

Square POS system Amazon

Square up POS Review

Square POS gift cards

Square POS Stand

Square POS VS ShopKeep

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