Revel POS return Policy

Does Revel integrate with Intuit QuickBooks?
Yes. Revel offers the most sophisticated QuickBooks integration than any other POS on the market. Our integration allows users to automatically export their data into the QuickBooks platform, making it faster and easier to keep track of important business data.

Does Revel have any partner processors?
Revel has partnered with a number of payment processors. Whenever we find a company that we feel matches Revel’s commitment to top quality products and service, we want to partner with them! We are proud to team up with Intuit QuickBooks Payments for Point of Sale as a preferred payments processor and can set you up for seamless integration with competitive rates. Learn more about QuickBooks Payments, or take a look at the other payment processors Revel works with.

Will Revel work with my payment processor?
Yes. Revel works with 95% of payment processors through the USAePay gateway. We also work with a number of other gateways throughout the world, including FreedomPay.

Does Revel work with PayPal?
Yes. Revel has integrated with PayPal to provide business owners multiple options for their POS system. PayPal is the faster, safer way to pay and get paid online, via a mobile device and in store; and it’s available to use through your Revel iPad POS.

Does Revel offer online ordering?
Yes. Revel offers its own integrated online ordering platform which directly integrates with your Point of Sale system. We also work with a variety of third party online ordering, and e-commerce solutions including Shopify, Magento and X-Cart.

Does Revel encrypt customers’ credit card information?
Yes. Customer credit card information is never stored unencrypted in Revel. It’s encrypted on swipe and sent directly to the payment processor.

Is Revel PCI compliant?
Yes. Revel takes security very seriously. We are compliant with PCI/P2PE standards by working with PCI certified hardware and payment gateways.

How secure is the Revel network?
Revel prides itself on security. We use encrypted, managed Wi-Fi networks to transmit data securely to and from the cloud and your local network.

What is Wi-Fi management?
By using Revel’s pre-configured networking hardware, we offer our clients the security and peace of mind of having a 24/7 support team which is able to remotely diagnose and troubleshoot your networking issues.

Revel POS Apple Pay

Revel POS setup


Revel POS iPad app

Revel POS training

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