Lightspeed POS

We recommend that you set up your merchant account directly with Element Payment Services or Cayan. Working directly with them eliminates gateway fees and gives you support for your gateway services and processing account. Using Element Payment Services or Cayan with Lightspeed Retail also lets you keep your current merchant services provider.

A few things to consider about Element Payment Services:

  • Element's Express Processing Platform allows us to provide the highest possible level of security in our systems and helps you meet PCI compliance regulations.
  • Gateway fees are competitively priced and are similar to those of Call Element at 866-435-3636 ext 721 for more information. When using Element as your full service payment processor, these fees are waived.
  • You'll need to use an encrypted card reader provided by Element Payment Services. The card reader retails for $105 plus shipping. With this device you'll can accept all common credit cards. Element is currently running a promotion where you can receive one free device per merchant location when using Element as your full service payment processor.
  • PIN-based processing for credit and debit cards is available through Element.

You can also use non-integrated processing with Lightspeed Retail and your external terminal. Just indicate that the customer has paid by credit card, run their card with- your terminal, and complete the sale in Lightspeed Retail. Enabling Credit Card Processing Contact the Lightspeed Retail Support team for help with setting up your Element or Cayan payment gateway to work with Lightspeed Retail.

Compatible processors

Our partner processors price their services using interchange plus pricing. Interchange plus is currently the most fair pricing method available and is generally less expensive than other pricing models, such as three tiered pricing. Element Payments has an explanation on interchange plus pricing.

Element Payment Services

Element Payment Services is the supported integrated credit card payment processor for Canadian customers. Contact Element Payment Services to set up your account.

Lightspeed POS app

Lightspeed POS support

Lightspeed POS manual PDF

Lightspeed POS API

Lightspeed POS Hong Kong

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