QuickBooks Simple Start 2010 Free Edition Download

Quickbooks Online is a cloud-based accounting program for small businesses that can be accessed by computer, smartphone or tablet. The cost is based on a monthly fee which currently starts at $12.95 a month for Simple Start, $26.95 for Essentials and $39.95 a month for Plus. Payroll is extra and includes direct deposit. Although this is a review of Simple Start, the only difference in the pricier versions is the addition of a couple of features at each level that you may or may not need.
It automatically sets up your accounting system including the chart of accounts, reports and an invoicing form, based on your industry and the answers to a few simple questions about your company. You can link to your bank accounts and give your accountant or bookkeeper access to your books with Online Accountant.
Entering information is dead easy and after entering any sales or expense information, your home page displays a snapshot of your income, expenses and profit or loss to date.


The online versions do not resemble the Quickbooks computer-based software so that any of that experience does not help in learning the cloud-based program.
Navigation is poor, with your browser back button often the only option of moving around your site. This would seem to be a simple fix, but no improvements have been made in this area to date.
Leaving the program open but unused for an extended period of time will get you timed-out, necessitating logging in again. Since it is internet-based, you are dependent on the Quickbooks website and your internet service.
You are on the hook for monthly fees instead of the one-time purchase of accounting software, but it will stay up-to-date without the need of buying an updated version when it becomes obsolete.
Quickbooks offers a free 30-day trial period and their site states that a credit card is not required, but you will not be able to use the trial without entering credit card information.

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