Intuit QuickBooks Simple Start 2010 free Download

ProsNot a heck of a lot to recommend.ConsVery limited functionality. 20 vendors, customers. If you have any size business, you can't really do a lot with this product. It seems the company wants to give you a taste and then force you to get the "real" versionReply to this reviewWas this review helpful? (0) (0) ProsSimple to use, free, more than enough for my needs.ConsNone from my perspectiveSummaryI love all of it. The upgrades are nice, too, as other users probably provide more detailed feedback about possible changes.Reply to this reviewWas this review helpful? (2) (0) ProsI like the ease of printing invoices. Record keeping and followups, I have a small delivery, service business and right now the limit of 20 customers works fine.ConsInstall created an issue with help questions. Keep getting the dredded script screen.SummaryOF course the price is great and the ability to share online as well is a great option. Why not try this and see for yourself.Reply to this reviewWas this review helpful? (1) (0) ProsPolished, easy to use, perhaps too simple?ConsNot a usable application due to severe limitations, i.e., "Track sales & expenses for up to 20 customers." Don't even lemonade stands have more than 20 customers?SummaryNot worth your time. This free program is just a demo to entire you to upgrade to their more expensive fare. Better off looking for true no-cost accounting software.Reply to this reviewWas this review helpful? (2) (0) Prosit would be great, if free as advertised.Consnot free as advertisedSummarythis is a blatant rip-off - Intuit is using CNET for free advertising for the free software that isn't really free. needs to be moved to free to try category.Reply to this reviewWas this review helpful? (5) (0) ProsSlick interface and very familar flow of accounting.ConsReally just a way to get you to "upgrade" to a more expen$ive Quickbooks application.SummaryAvoid this if you're looking for a truly free accounting program.Reply to this reviewWas this review helpful? (3) (0)

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