QuickBooks Point of Sale 10 update

For me the answer is NO - the item list will not fully display, and software immediately crashes whenever credit card is selected as the payment type. Obviously this is a non-starter, thank goodness I decided to test it on another computer before trying to upgrade my registers and shop office! Angry at being told it works, as I bought three V12 licenses and will likely return them. Still on V9, which is a solid and stable product, even if it is unsupported. Have also noted several undesirable features in V12 which are likely not windows10 issues. Have called POS technical and customer support 5 times trying to get anything like a knowledgeable answer...they are all either guessing or just reading a script while struggling with the language barrier. I managed to survive the experience of upgrading to V10 in 2008 and forcing intuit to help me downgrade back to V9...can't believe that 7 years was too long to fix this "new" software - it's obvious that some of the now "fixed" functions are straight up V9 windows on top of the V12 displays. I could put my shop machines back to windows 7 and 8.1 and try V12 to get the new EMV capability when it is ready, but I have lost confidence in the software and Intuit's ability to support it. Anyone out there having similar experiences with windows 10? Any suggestions?

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QuickBooks Point of Sale v10

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QuickBooks Point of Sale upgrade

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