QuickBooks Point of Sale 2014 price

The following additional fees will apply to your use of Services and Add-On Services.

Fee Type


Chargeback Fee

You are also responsible for the full chargeback amount.

ACH/Electronic Bank Reject Fee


Returned Check Fee


Note: These fees below are less common and generally arise under the situations further described in the Merchant Agreement.

Escheat Research Fee

Third Party Administrative Fee (for Liens and Garnishments)

$25, if your account is deemed abandoned


Investigation and Security
Processing Fees

These fees may apply in certain circumstances. See Section 18 the Merchant Agreement for further details.

Termination Fees

Fees at termination will apply in certain circumstances. See Section 28, 42 and 43 of the Merchant Agreement for further details.

Card or Payment Network Penalties, Fines and Other Fees

You are responsible for fees as a consequence of your use or misuse of the Services or your card processing activities.

4. ADD-ON SERVICES PRICING. Fees for Add-On Services will only apply to you if you have opted to include these Add-On Services to your account and been approved by our Underwriting Department.

  • For PCI service on non-monthly plan accounts, a $9.95 per month fee applies.

5. HARDWARE/EQUIPMENT. Equipment fees may apply to certain payment hardware and software. For current pricing click here.

6. LEGACY CUSTOMERS. “Legacy Customers” are customers who (a) entered into a Merchant Agreement with us on or before August 1, 2014; (b) use Intuit Point of Sale software, version 10 or below; (c) use Intuit Point of Sale software, version 11 prior to February 15, 2015 unless you were notified of an upgrade to Standard Pricing; (d) use QuickBooks for Mac; or (e) signed up for our service via one of our authorized partners where the customer was notified of applicable pricing.

QuickBooks Point of Sale online pricing

QuickBooks Point of Sale v10

QuickBooks Point of Sale 2016 User Guide

QuickBooks Point of Sale 2016 Pro level

QuickBooks Point of Sale 2015 upgrade

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