QuickBooks for Mac Desktop 2015 reviews

In July 2016 I signed up to use Method, an app of Intuits Quickbooks online (QBO), to manage my carpet/tile cleaning business. Method, which is supposed to sync with QBO, updated their computer platform in mid-August which caused my customer data to be severely messed up once it synced with QBO. Invoices were missing names. Some had duplicate names. Some had duplicate mailing address, etc. It was 2 1/2-month nightmare trying to get the data straight as Method blamed QBO and QBO blamed method, neither taking responsibility for the error.

It was important for us to have our data correct in Method so we could use Saasphalt, an app based on the Method platform, that I could fully customize for functionality of my business. In late July 2016, I had an in-depth phone conversation with Matt Raiser, creator of Saasphalt, about the customizations I needed for my business. We weren’t able to start the customizations right away because he told me I needed to get set-up with Method first, which took almost 3 months because of ongoing sync issues with Method and QBO and our errant data.

I explained to Matt I needed him to build a box where I could choose which areas (plural) I was servicing in a customers home. I sent him attachments of what I needed (which he said he couldn’t open), as well as a copy of my paper invoice, which I asked him to make Saasphalt function like my paper invoice. On my invoice it has a rooms/areas column on the far L where I can write in which areas were being serviced. I also asked for duplicate buttons to be able to duplicate estimates, work orders. I was told it would take 2-3 hrs at $150/hr to complete the customizations; however, what he made I can’t even use. He created a dropdown box where only 1 area could be checked at a time. I have an email where he referenced areas (plural) 7 times, but he claims he didn’t know we wanted to mark areas.

I had a 3-way conversation with him and my assistant on Oct 13th 2016 to discuss what could be done to expedite us using his program. He told us in order to choose multiple areas, we needed to use a different screen in his system called Proposals. This was the 1st we had heard of the term Proposals essentially. It’s a fancy word for estimates. We had a great conversation and it seemed like we were all on the same page until that weekend I saw $1050 charged for the useless dropdown box and the 2 duplicate buttons (not $300-$450 as I was quoted). He also told us on the phone my monthly charges would be $140/month for using his company. Turns out it’s $210 as I have to pay for him to have access to my account for the customizations. He has done ZERO work on the account since our conversation. He has ignored more emails than he has answered.

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