IPad Point of Sale QuickBooks integration

QuickBooks integration streamlines back office operations and drives efficiency forTouchBistro users

– TouchBistro, the leading iPad Point-of- Sale (POS) solution for restaurants in 37 countries, now offers seamless integration with QuickBooks, the number one rated small business accounting software.

QuickBooks integration is provided as an option for TouchBistro POS app users. The integration helps restaurateurs reduce accountant fees and bookkeeping hours by eliminating time-consuming double entry of operating data into restaurant accounting records. The integration with QuickBooks is simple, taking only minutes to activate, utilizing SHOGO cloud-based integration. During the initial installation of the integration, TouchBistro revenue and cost categories are mapped to the related accounts the restaurant has set up in its QuickBooks application, ensuring accuracy between operational and accounting reports to better manage the business. Existing TouchBistro users on the latest version can simply activate the QuickBooks integration.

“TouchBistro is committed to helping restaurant owners and managers improve their bottom line by seeking out new partners and the best technologies to increase efficiencies and simplify operations, ” said Alex Barrotti, CEO and Founder of TouchBistro. “By offering integration with QuickBooks within our restaurant iPad app, we are helping our customers to improve the efficiency of their back office operations.”

TouchBistro iPad point-of- sale solution is designed to work as the heart of a restaurant. It significantly streamlines operational efficiencies, and helps to improve the bottom line and overall customer experience. Servers use the TouchBistro app to take customer orders tableside, or while patrons are in line, and instantly transmit the orders to the kitchen or bar for preparation. Bills are automatically calculated and split according to the patrons' requests, and bill totals are transferred electronically into integrated card keypads or mobile wallets for payment.

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