Sync QuickBooks POS with QuickBooks Enterprise

We tried 2 other plugins to connect Shopify with our Quickbooks POS system and could not get them to work. One of the plugins is the highest rated on Shopify, but the company was located overseas which made it extremely difficult to get help at the times we needed it (plus the language barrier was irritating).

We now use Connex and felt the urge to leave a review because not only does it perform exactly as we need it to, the support is second to none. Integrating any type of software is going to have issues at some point and we understand this - so responsive support is a must have for us. Connex support is probably the quickest and most efficient support team we have ever worked with.

We had some initial problems with the setup (our own fault - we rushed through setup and selected instructions for Quickbooks instead of Quickbooks POS) - but when we submitted our first support ticket we received an immediate response from Joseph. He told us what the issue was and gave us directions to correct it. Needless to say, we ran into some other issues (again caused by us) and each time they responded right away.

They even offered to share our screen so they could see our issues exactly. We took them up on it and within minutes they diagnosed our problem and fixed it, even though the issue wasn't related to the Connex app.

Everything is running smoothly and we dont worry about it any way - if something happens these guys are right on top of it. I have 100% confidence in them - which is rare when dealing with technology based companies.

QuickBooks POS Inventory

QuickBooks POS VS Microsoft RMS

Intuit QuickBooks POS bundle

QuickBooks POS 2016 product number

QuickBooks POS practice mode

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