Intuit GoPayment support phone number

Has my Intuit PaymentNetwork and QuickBooks Merchant Service been merged?

Many of our Intuit customers were confused and overwhelmed managing several payment accounts with us, including QuickBooks Merchant Service, GoPayment, and Intuit PaymentNetwork. These accounts were all separate and required individual applications and logins for payment management.

We combined all these accounts into a single, convenient QuickBooks Payments account to improve your experience, and help you get paid faster.

Do I have a new account?

No. We’ve taken your existing Merchant Service account, incorporated the invoicing payment functionality and added bank transfer payments of Intuit PaymentNetwork, and renamed this new single account to QuickBooks Payments. Your QuickBooks Payments account uses the same account number as your old Merchant Service account. There’s an updated Merchant Agreement, which you can find by going to

Does this cost me more?

No, you get all the great new functionality at no additional cost. All credit card transactions will reflect the rates and fees from your original Merchant Service account. Plus, continue to pay just $0.50 for bank transfer (ACH) payments.

Any changes to funding time?

No. For credit cards, it’s still around 2-3 days. For bank transfers (ACH), it’s around 3 days. Transaction status for both can be found directly in QuickBooks.

What’s new with my updated payments account?

You can do all the cool things you did before, like take credit card payments from within your QuickBooks or on the go with a mobile device. You’ll also be able to email invoices with a new and improved Pay Now button so your customers can click and immediately pay online. Now all these features and payment types are in a single account and everything automatically ties back to QuickBooks, keeping your books updated and balanced with no additional effort.

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