Intuit TurboTax customer support phone number

Save time before you call Turbo Tax

GetHuman collects the best phone numbers and shortcuts for companies, but we also have how-to guides for common customer issues. Or you can hire us to call Turbo Tax for you and help with your issue. Start by telling us why you're calling.

Here are some reasons that other Turbo Tax customers called 888-777-3066 recently:

"I have an issue with Turbo Tax"GetHuman21354a mon ago "I didnt get half my tax return."GetHuman152445 mons ago "Dad died has tax info on computer can not access"GetHuman-mkmcnult6 mons ago

And these are some very popular reasons why other people call this Turbo Tax number

Ready to call Turbo Tax?

We called Turbo Tax's phone number, tried the various choices in their interactive phone system, and recorded it for you. Click/tap on endpoints to see how to get to them, transcriptions of recorded messages, customer information required, and more.

We have a few other tricks to try if you're calling Turbo Tax, and if you are already viewing this on a phone or call-capable device, then you can click or tap below to just start a call.

Have Turbo Tax call you instead Call Turbo Tax using our web-phone Dial 888-777-3066 now

Did you already call Turbo Tax?

If you're already on the phone with Turbo Tax, you may want to look over any tips we have for getting better results. If you already talked to a Turbo Tax rep (or several), let us know if you were able to resolve your issue and how your experience was- it's how we customers push companies like Turbo Tax to give better customer support.

My problem isn't fixed after calling them Review your phone call to Turbo Tax support

Here are some things that other customers said after calling 888-777-3066 and talking to a Turbo Tax customer service agent:

"I used TT in 2014. The program self audited several times and claimed i..."GetHuman-maureend9 mons ago "I got ripped off"GetHuman-jfootbal10 mons ago "I found this to be a waste of money."GetHuman-gmfamila yr ago

More Turbo Tax 800 numbers and support

This is the best of 7 ways to contact Turbo Tax according to 1719981 GetHuman users. Below you can compare the ways to contact Turbo Tax customer service.


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