Shopify POS App SDK

  1. Apps in the App Grid can go full-screen with a webview, opening up mobile use cases for your web apps. Apps are accessed from the side drawer in the iPad app.
  2. All integrations must support an action on the App Grid, even if the primary use case is in the Edit Cart or Add to Cart actions. A few examples of App Grid use cases are:
    • Support. Explain how users can get help
    • Settings. Let users configure your app
    • Dashboards and Reports. Let users see summarized information about your app.
Add to Cart Action
  1. With this integration you can select and group products together (gift baskets, kits), apply discounts to products, and capture product-specific information, such as monograms, notes (e.g. a thank you note in a gift basket) and other customizations. While the Edit Cart Action is used to modify the cart and it’s contents, the Add to Cart integration is used for selecting and modifying products before they’re added to the cart.
  2. The action is available via the add to cart action menu which is located in the bottom left corner of the app.
  1. With this integration you can add customer information, create custom discounts (e.g. Buy One, Get One) and add properties to the cart. For example, a membership app could open a modal to enable searching for a member and adding that member to the order. You can also apply discounts, add line items and properties at a line item level.
  2. This action is available via the edit cart overflow menu which located in the top right corner of the app.
Order Complete Action
  1. With this integration you can access your app from the order complete action menu which is available once your order is finalized.
  2. You can use this integration to create apps that collect customer feedback, enable social sharing, print custom receipts, and more.

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