Lightspeed POS rewards program

Cultivating relationships with consumers who become loyal clients is imperative for independent businesses. Loyal customers are the result of serious efforts on the part of the retailer or restaurateur, and they don’t just appear overnight. Fortunately, some smart businesses who know how important loyalty is for customer retention, designed some apps to make this easier. Here are five exceptional ones to check out:

AppCard makes automating marketing campaigns easy, because punch cards just don’t cut it anymore. With a program like AppCard, retailers and restaurateurs alike can keep track of every promotional campaign with a single dashboard view. AppCard syncs easily with POS systems, and starts aggregating data right away.

Imagine an app that shows you results with easy-to-understand metrics such as: new members from referrals per month, number of Facebook posts, number of tweets, and overall return on investment. Perkville does all of this and more. It encourages engagement over social media by rewarding customers for posting about you and helps you retain customers by offering them points they can redeem at your business. Keep your customers consistently engaged and rewarded with this incredible tool.

Retailers in the pet supplies industry might appreciate this solution that was developed for them specifically. gives retailers the tools they need to launch successful promotional campaigns. It’s an easy-to-use system that allows pet store owners to target customers, customize direct mail, collect and scan coupons, and more. The solution is also part of the Phillips Pet Food and Supplies IT Kit.

ShoutEm is a solution that essentially allows retailers to create their own custom app. This mobile app creator is simple, powerful, affordable, and works with iPhone, Android, and HTML5. So how can it encourage loyalty? The easy-to-build interface allows users to create an app which becomes accessible to customers who can use it to collect points and redeem awards.

Lightspeed POS support

Lightspeed POS

Lightspeed POS manual PDF

Lightspeed POS API

Lightspeed POS Reseller

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