Intuit Point of Sale customer service

1. EMV is a registered trademark of EMVCo LLC in the United States and other countries.

2. The EMV Ready PIN Pad is sold separately and requires: (1) QuickBooks Payments account, (2) QuickBooks Point of Sale Desktop 12.0 software, (3) internet access or modem and phone line (sold separately), and (4) printer (sold separately). NOTE: EMV chip debit cards can only be processed as PIN debit transactions using the magnetic stripe card reader or as credit transactions using the EMV card reader at this time. This EMV Ready PIN Pad is currently unable to process EMV chip debit cards as PIN debit transactions using EMV card reader. QuickBooks Payments account subject to eligibility criteria, credit and application approval. See Important Info, Pricing, Acceptable Use Policy and Merchant Agreement. Terms, conditions, prices, payment, features and services are subject to change.

QuickBooks Point of Sale customer service

Intuit Point of Sale cost

Intuit Point of Sale cash register

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