Ingenico terminal help desk number

Resolve issues related to your Ingenico Smart Terminals in no time. Our tried-and-tested U.S.-based Level 1 agents provide basic troubleshooting with fast escalation to Level 2 experts who have firsthand knowledge of your equipment. Our agents can assist you in English or Spanish. Add this option to your TotalCARE package for more comprehensive coverage.
  • Level-1 Help Desk Specialists will get as much information from you as possible to help analyze the symptoms and figure out the underlying problem. They’ll tap into our large knowledgebase to help pinpoint solutions and resolve issues quickly. If issues are not resolved in a timely manner, they are automatically escalated via our real-time tracking system to Level-2 agents.
  • Level-2 Help Desk Specialists have more in-depth knowledge and experience with your specific equipment, and can help resolve complex issues much more quickly. If issues cannot be resolved, you’ll receive replacement equipment to minimize your downtime.

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