Ingenico Payment services Karriere

FINsim is able to simulate extremely high transaction volumes, all with full encryption using 3DES, MACing and EMV Chip.

Different combinations of transactions, devices and issuers can be used to mimic the true production mix of transactions: - on-us, off-us, debit, credit, ATM, POS, ISO links, card schemes.

Exceptionally quick to run, FINsim has been tested to over 9, 000 transactions per second with a second test achieving a sustained 7, 988 transactions per second simulating 33, 000 ATMs, 700, 000 POS devices and 90 ISO and card scheme links, all simultaneously.

Ingenico 5100 Service Manual

Ingenico ePayments wiki

Ingenico Payment Terminals

Ingenico payment Services GMBH Hamburg

Ingenico Payment Services

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