Ingenico 5100 Service Manual

> > POS Questions

What type of POS hardware do I receive?

You will receive an Ingenico 5100 machine and 3050 keypad. It is a brand new unit that comes with a full one year warranty. The system is capable of working over an IP (internet) connection or a phone line connection. The Ingenico 5100 is one of the most popular POS machines in Canada due to it's durability, ergonomics and ease of use.

The 5100 is a secure payment terminal that handles both credit and debit transactions. If you have any questions about the 5100 do not hesitate to contact us to find out more. Also note that we also offer a range of mobile POS solutions.

We offer a range of mobile POS solutions to fit the different environments that your business needs to operate in. This ranges from a wireless machine that can be carried from table to table in a restaurant, to a mobile POS system that can be installed in taxi cabs or limousines.

The nature of mobile payments requires a great degree of flexibility in a POS system. For this reason we encourage you to contact us to explain where and how your business will be operating when collecting mobile payments. We will be able to determine the wireless POS system that is the best fit for your business and can answer any questions you may have.

Yes, every one of our customers own their hardware. There are no lease fees or rental terms. Furthermore, even though you own the hardware you still receive 24 hour replacement should your machine ever need servicing.

One of the reasons we provide Ingenico hardware is because it is among the most durable and well constructed in the industry. However, no matter how well a machine has been built accidents can happen and equipment can be broken. That is why we include at free emergency 24 hour replacement of your machine should it ever stop working.

This service is included at no additional charge. It means that if for any reason your POS system stops functioning we will have a replacement provided, at no charge, delivered to you the next business day. This is a phenomenal benefit because it allows business owners to own their hardware and eliminate lease fees, while still guaranteeing that they will have a solid working POS unit for as long as they do business with us.

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