Ingenico iCT220 Manual

The Ingenico iCT220 CTL is designed for easy handling and robust daily use, offers EMV® chip-and-PIN and chip-and-signature, magnetic stripe and NFC/contactless payment options, and enables NFC couponing and wallet applications.
  • Supports multiple payment methods while taking up minimal counterspace
  • Ergonomic and intuitive
  • Backlit keypad and color LCD display enhance PIN entry and menu navigation
  • Meets the highest security requirements and is PCI PTS 3.0 certified
  • EMV capable
  • NFC and Apple Pay™ capable
Call for lease and pricing options.Photo Gallery (Click to Enlarge):Trademarks are the property of their registered owners and are not necessarily affiliated with TransFirst. Ingenico iCT220 CTL is a trademark of Ingenico Inc. and is used with the permission of Ingenico Inc. EMV is a registered trademark or trademark of EMVCO LLC in the United States and other countries. Apple Pay is a trademark of Apple Inc.Back

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