Ingenico ict220 Manual settlement

Ingenico’s innovative iCT220 countertop payment device stands up to demanding retail environments. Lightweight, stylish and self-contained, the iCT220 terminal is easy-to-use and provides merchants with the ability to accept all types of electronic card payments without requiring an interface with a cash register or point-of-sale (POS) system.

All iCT220 functions — from payment processing and receipt printing to settlement reporting and brand enhancement programs — operate from a single, secure device. The iCT220 is fully EMV™ and PCI PTS V3 certified and supports the latest international security algorithms, so transactions are fast, private, efficient and secure.

Ingenico ict220 reprint receipt

Ingenico ict220 paper feed

Ingenico iCT250 Manual PDF

Ingenico iCT220 Manual

Ingenico iwl220 Manual reset

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