Ingenico EFT930G Users Manual

The EFT930 series combines a peerless choice of rapid communication and connectivity options with 32-bit ARM 9 processing and state-of-the-art security, enabling you to address any mobile payment scenario – including contactless – yet still realize ultra fast yet cost-effective transactions. Compact, elegant, and light weight, these handheld user-friendly powerhouses contain integral smart and magnetic card readers, large backlit keypads and displays, rechargeable batteries, plus fast printers, to ensure every operation is simple, convenient, and easy to complete. Delivering impressive application management – including pre-paid mobile phone top-up, credit/debit, loyalty, e-purse, healthcare and money change applications – the EFT930 series gives you a flexible choice of options designed to ensure you surmount any mobile transaction environment. From fully integrated contactless fast-payment to terminals feature stunning full color zoom screens for even greater transaction visibility.


SecurityIngenico’s payment systems terminals are all EMV and PCI PED approved. The EFT930 series delivers the ultimate in secure transactions, with a 32-bit RISC security co-processor to support powerful RSA, DES and 3DES encryption. The Wi-Fi communication model (EFT930-W) is fully protected by WEP, WPA or WPA2 security.PerformanceUtilizing ARM9 and ARM7 microprocessor technology, the EFT930 series combines innovation and performance with multiple connectivity options – assuring a faster, more convenient and more reliable transaction every time, plus truly impressive future- proofed application management.Design/ErgonomicsTrim, portable, and easy-to-use, the EFT930 series features integrated smart card and long swipe magnetic card readers and Li-Ion rechargeable batteries – to power you through up to 300 transactions – giving you highly efficient mobile transactions. Color display options (EFT930-B and EFT930-G) deliver even greater visibility for error-free transactions, while the EFT930-G features optional in-vehicle charging for additional flexibility.Communication

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