Driver PIN Pad Ingenico iPP320 USB

If you do not see this screen, proceed to the next section
To dismiss the screen do the following: PRESS 3, wait until pin pads reboots and the following is displayed
  • 0 Delete key
  • 1 Delete key and create RKI
If you see the above message :
  1. ) Press 1 to Delete Key and create a new Key Index
  2. ) After a reboot, proceed to section below. Eventually, you should see the message This Lane Is Closed
The Retail Business Application (RBA) is the internal programming of the Ingenico Pin Pad, not to be confused with the firmware. RBA enables advanced functionality of the pin pads and provides communication services to Cloud9 Payment Device Controller (PDC), which serves as the local device driver for the payment devices.
Normally, you will not be required to perform an update of RBA, unless a new industry requirement necessitates a fresh version of RBA from Ingenico. On initial powerup you will be able to view the splash screen with copyright and application info.
It should be similar to the screen on the left
  1. Program should be “Retail Base”
  2. Version number should be 16.0.2 or higher
  1. Unzip and run the installation file
Make sure
  1. “Force COM Port Feature enabled” check box is checked
  2. Enter “91” in the first box under “Select by Connection Order (Enter decimal Value of
COM port)” section. Make sure to check “Uninstall Microsoft Usbser driver(s).
Click Next to proceed with the install
    Skip this step if you are not using 911 Software CreditLineOpen the \911\DATA\CLCAPI.INI file with any text editor, such as NotePad Under [PINPAD] section
    1. Set Enabled=1
    2. Set UsePinpadSwipe=1
    3. Set Type=7 (7 means iPP320 with RBA)
    4. Set PortDef=COM91:9600, n, 8, 1.
    5. Delete all text below the [LOG] section.
    6. Save the file
    If you are seeing an infinite loop around the copyright screen and "Lane Closed" message, the units memory may be overloaded. To resolve:
    1. As the terminal boots up, press the F key continuously
    2. Scroll down to Change Sys Size > press Enter key
    3. Key in new size of 25
    4. Press Enter key and wait for a successful changed message to be displayed on the screen
    5. Reboot terminal
    If this does not resolve the boot loop issue, the memory is too full to hold the RBA load.

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