Ingenico isc350 NFC

Photo of Ingenico iSC350

Canadian Orders Welcome!
· We ship to all Canadian provinces.
· Contact us if you have any questions.

Se Habla Español!
· International orders welcome.
· Many payment options available.
· Contact us if you have any questions.

International Orders Welcome!
· We ship to customers around the world every day.
· Many payment options available.
· Contact us if you have any questions.

High performance as a standard

From online surfing to channel surfing, your customers are accustomed to sophisticated graphics, colorful content, and versatile, easy-to-use applications. Meet and exceed their expectations by showcasing full-motion video, optional stereo sound and crisp, high-resolution graphics on the iSC Touch 350"s large, bright, interactive VGA color display. There"s virtually no end to iSC Touch 350"s power or versatility. With each payment transaction, iSC350 enhances your brand and builds customer loyalty. iSC350 is the digital end-to-end transaction solution that enhances your brand image and improves your customer service.

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