Woolworths EFTPOS outage

Commonwealth Bank has suffered its third major outage in recent months.COMMONWEALTH Bank’s systems are back online.Earlier today thousands of customers around the country unable to access NetBank, EFTPOS, ATMs or phone banking after the bank’s system failed.The outages began about 2.30pm AEST on Friday and appear to affect merchant terminals as well as online services.They were restored just after 5pm.A Commonwealth Bank spokesman told news.com.au all services had been fully restored from approximately 5:05pm. However he was unable to explain what caused the outage.“We thank our customers for their patience and we are sorry for the inconvenience that has caused, ” he added.Earlier, angry customers took to social media to vent their frustration.“Tried to use card at check-out but was declined — credit worked though — it was all good this morning, ” Twitter user Lynda Grierson wrote.Michael Bainbridge wrote: “Down again. Looks like June incident but this time NetBank down too. No access through web or app. Hope you all have cash.”On Facebook, customers complained of being unable to pay for groceries at the check-out. “Just left my trolley full of food at Woolworths. Very embarrassing, ” wrote Lyn Woods.Addy Anderson said: “I have been with you for 30 years. If you continue to make my money inaccessible due to your crappy NetBank and useless app issues I will definitely be changing banks. It’s one week since you left my daughter stranded and now I am stranded unable to pay for my petrol. Furious!”We’re aware some customers may be experiencing issues with our systems. We’re working to resolve this & apologise to affected customers.— CommBank (@CommBank) tried to use card at checkout but was declined - credit worked though - it was all good this morning.— Lynda Grierson (@lgg1966) down again - Looks like June incident but this time Netbank down too. No access through web or app.. Hope you all have cash— Michael Bainbridge (@mike_bainbridge) is there a reason i cant get any money out at the atm? they all say insuffient funds which isnt correct— Jess Manning (@jessikahm2)

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