Westpac EFTPOS limit per day

You can withdraw up to $800 at a time from an ATM. To get more cash, make two or more withdrawals. (This limit is in place because the machines can't actually dispense more than 40 notes at once).

  • For domestic ATM cash withdrawals there is a $3, 000 limit per day
  • For international ATM cash withdrawals there is a $2, 000 limit per day

This is to ensure no one can fraudulently empty your account if they discover your PIN number. This includes weekends and holidays.

We also limit your total EFTPOS spending and ATM withdrawals in one day to $10, 000. If you've used a Gold, Business or Premium credit card for your EFTPOS purchase your daily limit may be higher. The limit will be dropped a few minutes after midnight.

  • For example: If you buy $9, 500 worth of jewellery in one day with EFTPOS (as you do), you will only be able to withdraw $500 that day from an ATM machine.

Westpac EFTPOS machine paper Rolls


Westpac EFTPOS error Code 05

Westpac EFTPOS error Code

Square POS gift cards

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