The advice on this website has been prepared without considering your objectives, financial situation or needs. Because of that, you should, before acting on the advice, consider its appropriateness to your circumstances. Please view our Financial Services Guide (PDF 68KB). Full terms and conditions for the transaction and savings accounts (PDF | 660KB) mentioned and Electronic Banking are available here or from any branch of the Commonwealth Bank.

1 Monthly account fee waived for accounts opened after 1 June 2010 with at least $2, 000 deposited each calendar month and from 17 October 2011, if you are 21 to 24 years old you will be exempt from monthly account fees if you deposit at least $1000 into the account each calendar month (excludes Bank initiated transactions). A monthly account fee waiver will also apply if you’re under 21 years of age, or you’re a full-time or part-time tertiary student at an Australian educational institution or undertaking an Australian Apprenticeship on Student Options. You may also be eligible for a different monthly account fee exemption if you have an aged disability or war veterans pension deposited in your account, have a balance of $50, 000 or more in eligible contributing accounts, are part of a wealth package or are reliant on over the counter services because of a disability. Find out more about rates and fees.

2 ATM access fees will continue to apply on all overseas ATMs, including the ATMs of ASB Bank in New Zealand and Commonwealth Bank in Indonesia and Vietnam. Standard withdrawal fees may also apply. Fees will also continue to apply cash advances made on Commonwealth Bank credit cards. The owner of another ATM may apply an ATM owner’s fee at the time of the transaction. Excludes EFTPOS transactions overseas (or purchases involving currency conversion), transfer group payments to third parties, International Money Transfers and separate services such as bank cheques, periodic payments and transfers/deposits to other banks.

Electronic transactions can be made via Commonwealth Bank ATMs and Bankwest ATMs, online with NetBank, via telephone banking or EFTPOS in Australia.

3 Limit of $500 in without a card withdrawals per day from over 3, 000 CommBank ATMs. CommBank app, NetBank, NetCode and account access required. Full conditions on app.

EFTPOS using iPhone

EFTPOS providers

EFTPOS debit


EFTPOS co za

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