Order New EFTPOS card Westpac

We have hundreds of answers to common questions about banking with Westpac. If you can't find what you're looking for, please use the "Email Us" tab on the left.If your card is lost or stolen report it to us immediately, by calling 0800 888 111 (or if you're outside New Zealand +64 9 914 8026 - standard call charges will apply) at any time of day or night.If you need to arrange a replacement debit card then please call us on 0800 400 600, from 7am to 11pm, seven days a week, or on +64 9 912 8000 if you're outside New Zealand (standard call charges will apply), or visit your branch.Here is a full list of contact details for debit cards, including worldwide emergency assistance.

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Getting a New EFTPOS card ASB

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