Integrated EFTPOS is direct integration between the merchant's Point of Sale (POS) and their EFTPOS terminal.If you have a PC at the Point of sale we can integrate your terminal.How does integrated EFTPOS work?The merchant 's Point of Sale (POS) communicates directly with the EFTPOS terminal via the internet and communication is established between our integrated solution provider Tyro's software. This connectivity can be enabled via ethernet or Wi Fi.Type of integrationintegration via ethernet at the counter
integration via WiFi for mobile integration
contactless integrationWhat is contactless integration?You may have heard or seen the latest advertising for the next generation of card payment including PayPass, PayWave or Tap & Go.They all lead to making it easier and quicker for merchants to accept small value card payments at the Point of Sale (POS). We are able to offer an integrated contactles payment solution at the Point of Sale (POS).What are the key benefits of an integrated solution?
  • no keying errors from staff as they no longer manualy enter sale amounts
  • quick and secure payment experience for the customer
  • one integrated receipt from the local POS printer
  • speed of transaction is less than 3 seconds
  • secure encrypted transaction
  • full reporting of all transactions on your own merchant online portal
  • eliminates the need for reconcilliation requirement at the end of the day

EFTPOS error 57


EFTPOS co za

Shopify POS iOS

Lavu POS cost

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