EFTPOS taxi Auckland

Auckland co-op taxis have been organising function transport for many years. Working with some of the biggest and best names in the Auckland scene we have taken care of everything from small business conferences to large scale exhibitions and parties. If you are having a function that will require a transport Auckland co-op may be just the thing for it. As New Zealand ’s largest taxi company we are able to manage a wide range of transport demands and specialize in small and large group movements.

Taxi Hosting

Co-Op Taxis offer a free hosting service. The host will set up a temporary taxi rank* at the close of your event/ function and assist your guests getting home. This is particularly useful if you have a large number of guests all leaving a function at the same time and when alcohol is served. This also saves your guests having to pre-book taxis, which as we all know during peak time’s can be complicated, especially when everyone is going home at the same time!

Hosts all have a clear line to the heart of our operations centre that can help with the supply and demand of taxis at your event. The taxi host can also help you hand out taxi vouchers if you are paying for your client’s trip home.


Often accommodation for conferences will be off site. We can assist with shuttle between the venue and the guest accommodation. (An hourly rate applies call us for your quote).

Alternatively we can also assist with a shuttle service if the conference or meetings are being held at different locations.

We recently assisted the 2010 Design Day team move just under 1 000 people on a 12 stop circuit. The taxi host organised a ‘taxi train’ service that looped around the 12 CBD stops.

EFTPOS reconciliation

EFTPOS machine options

EFTPOS available

EFTPOS via iPad

EFTPOS co za

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