EFTPOS system error 30

Card Verification Data (CVD) codes are the three or four-digit codes on the back of the payment card that are used to further authenticate the consumer during a card-not-present transaction. The following are the response messages sent back to you during the authorization process, and can help determine your next action—approval, exception or decline.

CVV2/CVC2/CVD/CID codes may vary based on processing network or equipment. If the response codes displayed on your equipment or software are not listed above, please call the technical support number provided with your processing equipment or software.


EFTPOS Westfield

Eftpos Paper Rolls

EFTPOS error 57

PC EFTPOS system error 78

Warning: file_get_contents(): php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known in /web/siggir/public_html/.sp/Eftpos/eftpos-system-error-30.php on line 239

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