EFTPOS and Retail solutions NZ

Up to 80% of retail transactions are now paid by card, making electronic payments an essential service. EFTPOS New Zealand has the best retail payments solutions available, supplying many of New Zealand's top retail stores.Retail is about service. Enabling your customers to pay as quickly and conveniently as possible creates a positive retail experience. An efficient payment solution keeps queues moving and keeps customers coming back to your store.EFTPOS New Zealand offers an integrated solution for the retail industry which provides a fast, convenient and flexible payment solution.
Looking for a countertop hardware solution? EFTPOS NZ has a range of Countertop and Connectivity options to suit your countertop configuration.The VX 820 PIN pad is an integrated hardware solution with all the latest payment features.A PC EFTPOS integrated POS solution streamlines the payments process by integrating your POS with your eftpos terminal. Your staff won’t have to enter the transaction amount into both the POS and the terminal, reducing keying errors and making reconciliation a breeze.Choose from a range of Value-Add Solutions to enable on your eftpos terminal. Our suite of third-party payment services will draw customers into your store, create loyalty and earn you commission.
With in-built NFC capability the VX 820 PIN pad provides the option of offering Tap and Go payments and any future NFC mobile payments applications.

EFTPOS available

EFTPOS reconciliation

EFTPOS machine options

Ingenico mPOS solution

Ingenico Mobile Solutions

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