EFTPOS machine hire Christchurch

Kiwi Eftpos & Point of Sale Group is the new name for the merged businesses of Eftpos Canterbury, Kiwi Eftpos & POS, and Eftpos Solutionz and the legal name is “Kiwi Eftpos and Point of Sale Group Ltd” - The Head Office is Christchurch and we have team in Auckland and the West Coast along with service partners nationwide.

Would you like some old fashioned service?
We are a company dedicated to Service and we back up what we sell. We offer Eftpos Leases with “Full ON Site Service all over Canterbury” - or you can opt for a cheaper option of RTB / Courier Swap service.

Do you want help with your Eftpos – OR arrange a Point of Sale system Demo?

We offer solutions and support for Kiwi businesses all over NZ. We can help you with… Eftpos, Mobile Eftpos, Cash Registers, Point of Sale Hardware, Point of Sale Software Counter Intelligence Retail POS software, IdealPos Software, Webstore software & Vend POS software plus business IT support.

Please browse our website for solutions and call us for more assistance and product information. We help you just about anywhere with customers from Whangarei and Waiheke Islands to Stewart Island in the deep south.

SHOWROOM – 250 Barrington Street, Spreydon, Christchurch
Office Hours - 8.30am to 5pm weekdays
After Hours Support - Phone the normal number – and listen for Instructions
Christchurch – Phone 03 338 7672
Canterbury Freephone 0800 72 73 74
Fax 03 338 7678

We can offer you Service & Support for Eftpos, POS & Cash Registers for customers in Kaikoura, Cheviot, Hanmer Springs, Culverdon, Waipara, Amberley, Rangiora, Oxford, Kaiapoi, Springfield, Sheffield, Darfield, West Melton, Christchurch, Lyttelton, Akaroa, Rolleston, Rakia, Methven, Ashburton, Geraldine, Temuka and Timaru. - We can help you just about anywhere you are.

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