EFTPOS please check signed record

2015, 2025A system error has occurred. Please resubmit or call the eBusiness Service Centre and quote the error number displayed on the EFTPOS terminal2016Item number missing. Please resubmit with this information2017The payee provider cannot be the same as the servicing provider. Please check details and resubmit20302 pieces of information submitted within the claim cannot be submitted together. Please check details and resubmit2032Maximum reached. The maximum number of items that can be submitted in 1 claim is 14. Please create a separate claim if necessary2038The referral or request information submitted is inconsistent with the item that is being claimed. Please check details and resubmit if appropriate2053The patient contribution amount must be less than the total charge. Please check details and resubmit2055The patient contribution amount should not be entered when the account is fully paid. Please check details and resubmit3000-39999006Check servicing provider details. May not be able to provide the service for this item at date of service. For more information, call the eBusiness Service Centre9201Invalid data entered. Please check details and resubmit9203Date of service is too old to be submitted through Medicare Easyclaim. Please issue patient/claimant an account/account receipt to claim through an alternative Medicare claiming channel. For example online, at a service centre or over the phone9204The date entered is in the future. Please check details and resubmit9207The item number claimed and an override code used cannot be used together. Please check details and resubmit or call the eBusiness Service Centre for help9301, 9364The patient’s Medicare card number has not been entered. Please resubmit with this information9302, 9364The patient’s reference number has not been entered. Please resubmit with this information9305The servicing provider details have not been entered. Please resubmit with this information9306Date of service has not been entered. Please resubmit with this information9307An item number has not been entered. Please resubmit with this information9308, 9310The referring or requesting practitioner’s provider number has not been entered. Please resubmit with this information9309, 9311, 9322Please check the referral or request date entered9312The claimant’s Medicare card number or reference number has not been entered. Please resubmit with this information9316The referring or requesting provider cannot be the same as the servicing provider. Please check details and resubmit

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